The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in partnership with Far Eastern University through its International Relations Office (FEU-IRO) organized the National Symposium on Innovations in Teaching and Learning on Industry 4.0 and Smart Nation, with its Luzon leg recently.
Part of a tri-regional initiative with legs also in Visayas and Mindanao, the Industry 4.0 and Smart Nation symposium endeavored to help build a Smart Nation through education by cascading teaching and learning strategies to higher education institutions (HEIs) throughout the Philippines.
Dr. Hyunkyung Lee explains the need to go out of one’s comfort zone to introduce the implications of Smart Nation on teaching and learning practices during the symposium’s Luzon leg. Event's documentation committee
Attended by champions and participants from around 50 higher education institutions, the morning session of the symposium’s Luzon leg featured three main speakers: Dr. Hyunkyung Lee, international professor from FEU; Dr. Romualdo Mabuan, chairperson of the FEU Institute of Education Graduate Studies; and Atty. Lily Freida, director-in-charge of CHED’s International Affairs Service.
Dr. Lee discussed what it takes to effectively implement maximizing the use of technology in learning or Smart Nation.
“Smart is not just using new technology. It is also about using new teaching and learning approaches,” said Dr. Lee. However, she elaborated that “new’” implies the need for movement. Given the challenges of a developing nation like the Philippines, openness to adaptability and development are paramount, she added.
Dr. Mabuan discussed the implications of Industry 4.0 on teaching and learning, especially in higher education.
“As HEIs, we have to enable our students to navigate these difficulties in the future,” said Dr. Mabuan. “Adaptation is not an option, but a necessity to remain relevant.”
Atty. Freida in her special message thanked the organizers, champions, and participants who attended the event. She reminded the attendees to engage, broaden their base through networking and cascade what they pick up from the symposium to their respective institutions and communities. “Remember these three things that will bring our goals to fruition: engage as you are here, widen your networks, and share to your institutions what you learn,” said Atty. Freida.
Plenary sessions were held in the afternoon focusing on more specific topics on implementation. Session 1 was dedicated to Smart Nation Concept in Pre-Service Teacher Education; session 2 was titled “From Singapore to the Philippines: Overview of Industry 4.0 Readiness of HEIs Offering Engineering Programs”; session 3 was on “Analyzing Skill and Technology Alignment for the Effective Implementation of SMART-Oriented Business Course Syllabus”; and the fourth session was about “Mapping the Path to Smart Nation 4.0 Philippines: Comparative Analysis of IT Capstone Project Syllabi Across Universities.”
Dr. Mabuan checks on the audience before starting his talk in the symposium’s Mindanao leg. FEU International Relations Office
The symposium’s Mindanao leg was held at Capitol University in Cagayan de Oro in May.
Atty. Francis Lorenzo Jaurez, Capitol University’s Data Privacy Office Head, welcomed the participants with a message that focused on the transformations educational paradigms must undergo in response to the changing times and the challenges it may bring, citing in particular the consequences of the pandemic on the education sector. He highlighted how collective efforts such as this initiative are instrumental in achieving a brighter educational future.
Dr. Driselle Pajuyo, Director of FEU’s IRO gave an overview of the topics to be discussed in the symposium, as well as its background. Dr. Pajuyo explained how the project is aligned with Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore’s model and AMBISYON 2040’s goals for better lives and stronger communities. After her message, the keynote speakers then delivered their talks: Dr. Lee on Smart Nation, and Dr. Mabuan on the implications of Industry 4.0 on education.
Champions and participants of the symposium’s Visayan leg ask questions during the open forum. Photo by FEU International Relations Office.
Held in April, the symposium’s Visayas leg was organized by FEU in partnership with the University of Antique. Dr. Pablo Crespo, Jr., President of the University of Antique commenced the symposium through a message that highlighted the necessity for HEIs to adapt their curricula, faculty training, and infrastructure in alignment with industry demands that students may likewise be better equipped.
For her part Dr. Pajuyo introduced the concepts of Industry 4.0 and Smart Nation and explained the strategic plan that informs the initiative. Atty. Freida thanked the people that contributed to achieving this national educational goal: FEU’s president for allowing FEU to take on the responsibility of gathering HEIs for the project, and the University of Antique for being instrumental in achieving Smart Nation through education in the Visayas region. Dr. Lee and Dr. Mabuan likewise delivered their keynote speeches, followed by a synthesis session in the afternoon.